Product Names, Tagline & Website Copywriting
The team behind SENS was inspired by the need for an all-natural sanitizer, in a time when many on the market during the pandemic were made from harsh chemicals. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a substance that occurs naturally in the body, and was discovered in 1834. It has been used for commercial and medical purposes since then — but until recently, it has been easy to make, but difficult to produce cost-effectively as a liquid for consumer use.
The products launched under a different brand, but I was hired to rename the company, suggest a meaningful tagline, and write the website and product descriptions. That included my favourite line of copy that I wrote in 2021: “The wipes are also flushable and biodegradable, so you can enjoy the upsides of a clean backside without any environmental downsides.”
“The wipes are also flushable and biodegradable, so you can enjoy the upsides of a clean backside without any environmental downsides.”
Writing: Anders J. Svensson
Design: Atom Studio
Strategy: Futurity Consulting
Anders J. Svensson currently resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and is available for hire as a freelance copywriter or creative consultant by clients worldwide.
His writing services include ads & campaigns, biographies, creative consulting, direct mail, ebooks, editing, game design, naming & taglines, pitch decks, scriptwriting, social media, and website content.
Feel free to contact Anders to discuss your project.